Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Maltreated Dog

From our friend Kozz:
I just saw a very mistreated St. Bernard and it disturbed me so much
that I wanted to request for prayers. This poor dog is tied on a short
leash out on the pavement outside the house with no roof or anything
over his head ,and there he lies the whole day and night on rags. He
is kept outside in the sweltering heat and the rain. The owners are
really rich and live in a huge house and have most likely bought him
as a status symbol. But I really can't understand why they have to
treat him so cruelly. My heart breaks for the poor dog, as he is not a
native breed and would require much more care because of the higher
temperatures. There is no concept of animal control in my country and
the only ( and best thing) that I can think of is for prayers. Please
pray for him and that the owners get the grace to be kinder and a
change of heart.


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over this poor dog and all the animals that are treated so badly, bless and keep them all safe and well. Thank You.
    Bless you for noticing, Kozz and asking for prayers support.

  2. For the dear St., and all the animals beyond the light of our windows, LORD hear our prayer,

  3. Bless you, Kozz, for your compassion, and my heart joins yours and all of us here in prayers for the St. Bernard . . . St. Jude, St. Francis, St. Anthony, St. Roch, and Our Lady, please please come to the aid of this dog, and also exactly as our prayer pal, Ra Husky, said, too: "and all the animals beyond the light of our windows". Please, God, send help.
    God Bless you, too, Kozz!

  4. St. Martin De Porres, humbly before you, may we please also ask your powerful intercession for this St. Bernard and the many others who desperately need your protection and the comfort of your embrace.

  5. I'm praying for the dog and his owners - and for you, since it's heartbreaking, when one cares, to have to watch animals suffer.

    I know there are some countries in which there's no such thing as animal control. If it's also not possible to call the police, would there be some sort of animal rescue organization that could help? Or perhaps someone can buy the dog from these people and then find a good home for him? I know sometimes there is nothing that can be done, but I thought I'd suggest some courses of action just in case.

  6. I will check up on him in a few days. As the owners have kept him, it means that they need a "dog" outside to as a deterrent for unsavory elements.

    There is a huge rescue organization operating out of Bangalore named CUPA. That is really another different story altogether. I've heard that they are pretty nasty to the animals. May God, please protect the defenseless, innocent animals. St. Francis, please keep them in your care.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.