Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sad News - Cleo the Dog

From Christina:
I'd like to request a prayer for my dog, Cleo, again. We had to let her go tonight to spare her suffering. Thank you so much for praying for her. She is with God now and no longer suffering.
Please keep Christina in your prayers as she mourns the loss of her beloved dog.


  1. For Christina and your Cleo - I am so very sorry. Hugs and prayers at this most difficult time.
    God Bless your Cleo and may she know every joy of Heaven, and God Bless you for all your love and care to Cleo. She'll stay with you, you know, in her own way.
    I know the angels carried your Cleo home, it's just really difficult for us down here. Thinking of you.

  2. Prayers for comfort sent your way...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.