Monday, March 4, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Coco the Dog

From Sarah:
Please pray for Coco our 4 yr. old Frenchie. Coco has GME. The prognosis is not good, but through our prayers and yours we ask God to bless Coco.


Anonymous said...

Healing and strengthening thoughts and prayers for Coco are sent you way, Sarah.

God bless you both!

Anonymous said...

God has already blessed His little dog,
through you!!

We pray that God will also continue to do so in any way that Coco needs.

Lord, please pour wisdom and compassion into Coco's doctors and caretakers, and strengthen and shelter Coco and her family in this difficult time.

We pray the inflammation may subside, and Coco can find rest and comfort, and remain with her loving family.

If it is Coco's time to leave us and there is no other way, please hold them all in Your hand, Lord, and comfort them in this vale of tears, this damaged world that we travel on our pilgrimage to You.

You know all our heartbreak intimately and long to comfort us. You count every hair on our heads, You see every sparrow. You have given all for Love of us, and You have promised to tenderly wipe away all our tears.
Please bless Your little dog, and this kind family, in this life and the next.


Thoughts and prayers with you!
Please update us.

Anonymous said...

Many prayers on the way, Sarah, for your precious Coco.
Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Roch, St. Francis, please in your mercy take Coco into your healing, comforting embrace. Please strengthen her and allow her condition to stabilize and enter a remission. May Coco know and feel Sarah's love and may she be aware of angels keeping watch over her.