Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Mocha the Dog

From Marguerite:
I found your site and wanted to request a prayer for my beloved Mocha.

She is very ill and although the prognosis isn't good. I always have hope and faith that she'll recover.

She has cancer and she is getting worse.

If you would be so kind so say a prayer for her, so that she may get better.

I would greatly appreciated it.

Thank you,

Another email from Marguerite:
Mocha is a 10 1/2 yr old Chocolate Lab. The heart of an angel. She is the sweetest and kindest dog, you can ever imagine.

Thank you so much for praying for my baby girl.


  1. Dear Marguerite,

    Please do not lose faith. Prayers are an amazing thing and can produce miracles. I will say a prayer for Mocha and for you.

    Take care,

  2. Dear Lord, please wrap your Comforting,Healing and Loving arms around Marguerite and Mocha, thank You...

  3. Dear Marguerite,
    I concur also with Wendy, "please do not lose faith", and please know many prayers are on the way for your precious Mocha.
    Blessed Seelos, St. Francis, St. Anthony, and St. Jude, please allow Mocha to feel your healing touch upon her, give her strength, and may she and Marguerite have many special moments together.
    Marguerite, if you would, please give your Mocha a big hug and kiss for me, bless her heart.
    I'm so glad you posted here at Esther's most special site.

  4. Please don't give up you keep your faith god does work in myserious ways. lord wrap your loving arms around marguerite and heal her in jesus name she shall be healed.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.