Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good News - Buddy the Dog

From Wendy:
Nothing but great news. Buddy wandered home on Saturday, eight days after he went missing. Saturday morning there was snow on the ground and we all we very upset and worried. We searched all morning and around 1 p.m. Buddy wandered back home again on his own. He is skinny and tired but will be fine.

Thank you so much for your prayers and for posting Buddy on your website. I have no doubt that all the prayers lead Buddy back home.

Your site and the people who responded to our plea, brought me so much comfort and hope.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


  1. I am so happy to hear that Buddy made it home! Stories like this help me keep the faith that my cat will make her way home, too! Thank you for sharing your great news.

  2. This is GREAT news, Wendy! and welcome back to your home, Buddy! May the blessings continue coming your way...

  3. Wendy, thanks so much for sharing this good news with us! I can only imagine the joy in your hearts when Buddy reached home, bless his heart.
    And thanks be to God and all the Saints and angels, and the prayer warriors here for this happy return.
    Please give your Buddy a big hug for me and I'm sure he is so happy to be reunited with his family and your loving home, and his favorite treats, too!


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