Monday, October 3, 2011

Prayer Request for Rocky the Cat


From Brian and Katie:
I found your wonderful website this afternoon while searching for 'prayers for lost pets'.

Many great success stories out there!

We have been missing our little Orange Tabby, Rocky, since the morning of Sept 21st. We have taken days off of work and even cancelled the family vacation to stay home and look for him.

We've posted flyers at local businesses and in over 200 in mailboxes, in our neighborhood and others.

Please keep Rocky in your prayers or start a prayer chain for him to return home safe, soon.

I'll include a photo or two so folks can see him on the site, if you don't mind.

Thank you very much for your help, and keep up the great work!



  1. Dear Lord please watch over Brian & Katie's dear Rocky. Bring him home safely as he is very much loved and missed. Amen.

  2. Your your beautiful kitty, and all lost pets, LORD hear our prayer...all our prayers tonight for the safe return of your loved one,

  3. Yes, Dear Lord, please watch over Rocky, keep him safe and well and guide him home to Brian and Katie who love and miss him so much, thank You...

  4. For Brian and Katie - so very glad you found Esther's most special site here. I'm joining in with everyone with prayers for your very handsome kitty, Rocky.

    St. Anthony, St. Francis, St. Jude, and St. Gertrude, please hear our prayers and intercede in helping to locate Rocky. Watch over him, protect him, and guide him safely home to his family.
    Sweet Jesus, please hear our prayers.

  5. Brian and Katie,

    Our neighbour's dog went missing, recently. We too searched for Buddy doing exactly what you have done and eight days later, he wandered through dense forest finding his own way home. Please believe it will happen for Rocky too.

  6. Thank you all dear people for your prayers and kind words of encouragement.

    Wendy, I added you as one of our prayer warriors.

  7. Your percious Rocky is in our prayers, he will be home soon.
    believe in the lord everything is possible in the lord, he will be home


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.