Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Update on Kia the Cat

From Dianne:
Update On Kia:
Tomorrow is the big day> Kia will be going home from the vet.
She will have her checkup on her teeth surgery and get vaccinate.
She is doing so much better. Tomorrow we will find out her long term
prognosis. I will let you know ok. Thank you all who have prayed for her
and cont. to pray for her. she is such a fighter and has so much love to give..She just wants to be loved. She will not get to come back to my house
as I'm not suppose to have any kittys. I"m very sad and it breaks my heart
I'm so thankful for my friend Diana, She is going to go to her home.
She is my hero. I thank the lord for her..
God bless you all. May the lord put his arms around all our sick and lost pets and heal them all in his name Amen


  1. May God bless and keep Kia safe and well; blessings for you, Dianne and your friend, Diana for taking such good care of Kia...

  2. God Bless dear Kia and also you, too, Dianne, and your friend who will keep Kia at her home, so very special.
    Be assured of continued prayers for Kia!
    We know the prognosis is entirely in God's hands, but we continue to pray and ask Blessed Seelos and St. Francis, St. Gertrude to bless dear Kia with their healing touch, allow her to feel their comforting presence, and may all her days be happy and healthy from this day forward.

  3. Hi, could you all please pray for Henry nelson morgan, a beloved dog whom we lost today. We had to make the decision to put him down when a growth in his brain started to cause him a lot of pain. He was loved by everyone who met him, and never failed to put a smile on my face. Thank you and god bless


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