Saturday, October 1, 2011

Prayer Request for Sterling the Missing Therapy Cat

From Elizabeth: It will soon be three months, since Sterling went missing. He was a gift that literally walked into my house. Even as a kitten, I knew that he was special and soon took him to the nursing home where I work. He brought so many smiles and much comfort to those who no longer are able to have pets. Even people who did not "like cats" fell in love with him and he in turn liked his "work". God has provided me with another Therapy cat and I am grateful. Still, I miss Sterling everyday and the "light" and love of his gentle spirit. I have done everything I can to find him: I ask for prayers for our reunion. I do not feel that our healing work is done and pray for the miracle of his safe return home. Thanks and blessings,


  1. For Elizabeth's beloved, STERLING, many prayers on the way!
    Dearest St. Anthony, St. Jude, and St. Gertrude, your intercessory help is needed in locating dear Sterling, a most special kitty indeed. Please if there is any way possible to locate him, protect him, and guide him safely home to Elizabeth - we know that miracles are very possible!

  2. Dear Lord, please watch over Sterling. Continue to keep him safe and well and reunite him with Elizabeth so he can continue give love to his many friends at the nursing home and meet his new therapy 'work' pal, Thank You.

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with you! My cat has been missing for two is so hard. Cats are such special animals. I hope your cat makes his way back to you soon. Don't lose hope!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.