Friday, September 30, 2011

Today's Update: Stretch the Cat

From Jim:
We brought our feline daughter home tonight! Thank you prayer warriors!

First thing she did was "demand" that she be taken out of her carrier when she was released to us by Kate, the tech. (That's a good sign---if you knew Stretch!)

Once home, she attempted to "slide" out of her carrier. We were afraid being kept in the ER cage for a week without movement may have caused her legs to atrophy. We guided her while she pushed herself up with her front legs and propped up her hind legs while she lingered on the oriental rug in the basement.

Hopefully the medications prescribed will give her strength back. Please continue to keep our feline daughter Stretch in your prayers. This will be a steep uphill climb, but with your support and prayers. we will overcome all difficulties.

From our family to yours, we are forever grateful for everyone's generous support.

(Stretch's Family)


  1. God Bless you to Jim and Stretch's Family, and Stretch!! So happy for all of you just to have her home and know that all the prayers certainly continue!!
    Easy does it, one step, one moment at a time...
    Jim, your words reminded me of the song/scene in the movie, The Sound of Music, "Climb Every Mountain"!
    May dear Stretch feel the healing touch of Blessed Francis Seelos upon her and the holy angels with her!

  2. Great news about Stretch! May the blessings continue, may Stretch grow stronger with each and every passing day..


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