Friday, September 30, 2011

Prayer Request for a Lost Pet Cat

From Cece:
please pray for my friends robins run away orange and white tabby. she is heart broken please pray that he is safe and they are reunited soon. thanks and blessings


  1. For CeCe, please be assured of my prayers beginning immediately for your friend's beloved orange and white tabby.
    Good St. Anthony, St. Jude, and St. Gertrude, St. Francis, please watch over and protect the kitty, keep her safe, comfort her and guide her safely home to her family who loves and misses her so very much.
    Perhaps the kitty is frightened out on her own and extra cautious, please allow her to feel your comforting presence and hear your guidance.
    Please hear our prayers, Sweet Jesus.

  2. Please, Dear Lord, keep this lost kitty safe and well and guide it home to it's family..Thank You


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.