Saturday, October 1, 2011

Message for those with Prayer Request

I am off the computer on Sundays. If you have a prayer request, please leave a comment and/or email me privately. I will post them as soon as possible on Monday. BUT please know our prayer warriors will be praying for ALL the pets in need.

God bless,


  1. Thanks for all you do, Esther!

  2. Hello,
    I tried leaving a prayer request yesterday. I guess it didn't go through? In any case, our 12 year old cat Stachie, that we've had since he was a kitten, has been missing since 9/18. We miss him very much and worry about his safety. Please pray for his safe return.


  3. Thank you A!

    Maria, a prayer request has been posted. No, the other message did not go through, apparently. Because this is the first one I am seeing. We are praying for Stachie.

  4. Thank you RA but I couldn't be able to do it without all of you. God bless.

  5. Thank you Esther you are one very special Lady..
    God bless you

  6. Oh, my goodness! Thank you for your extremely kind words. You are all very special to me!

  7. Ester

    Thank you for posting my dog Maggie's name. This is a wonderful site full of God's blessings. We are still looking for her. In Jesus name Amen



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.