Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Monkey the Cat

From Marissa:
I am writing on behalf of a dear friend. Her darling boy, Monkey, was recently diagnosed with inoperable jaw cancer. This 15 year old fella has been a constant companion to Lydia. He's currently in good spirits as the cancer hasn't had an effect on his demeanor.
My friend is a profound believer in the power of prayer and positive thought. She writes:
This is Monkey. He is a 16 year old dude who was just diagnosed with inoperable cancer in his jaw. The vet gives him just a few months. I can't put into words the love I have for him. Please add him to your prayers of white light and healing.\

Thank you in advance for putting out this request for prayers for Monkey in Hollywood, CA.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. Much gratitude to your powerful Prayer Warriors for sending up prayers on Monkey's behalf.

  2. woooo, all prayers and pawsitive siber vibes for your kitteh mate,

  3. For darling Monkey, God Bless you honey, and may you feel the healing touch and comforting presence of Blessed Seelos and St. Francis.
    We do believe in miracles, have seen them, please God hear our prayers for Monkey.
    Think positive and feel the white light and healing energies from above.

  4. Thank you, Marissa, Esther, and all of the Prayer Warriors. Monkey was orphaned as a baby and been the closest thing I will ever have to a child for the past 16 years. It's been a long, happy life... but I am willing his cancer GONE.
    I really am praying for a miracle right now and am completely grateful for any blessings you send to him.
    Many many thanks,

  5. Prayers for comfort and healing are sent your way, Marissa for your sweet fellow, Monkey..


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.