Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Message from Jundi the Cat's Owner

From Brittany:
I wrote a month ago about my cat Jundi who is missing in another state. We still have not found her, but I did get calls about sightings of her after I posted on your site. Thank you to all who prayed....I truly believe it helped. I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank three women, Connie, Sarah, and Cary, who reached out to me from West Virginia. They do not know me, but saw my posters and wanted to help. They live six hours away and have been searching for my cat every week. They are truly angels, as I just started graduate school and have a young son and am not able to travel the six hours easily. I am just amazed at how kind people can be. Please keep my little girl in your prayers, and I hope I have the opportunity to help others with their pets like these ladies have helped me with mine.

Thank you,


  1. For Brittany - please know that I keep your beloved JUNDI in all my many prayers. May St. Francis, St. Gertrude, St. Jude, and St. Anthony be keeping watch over her, protect her, and find a way to get Jundi safely back to you.
    Bless you and your son, and blessings upon your grad. school path.
    Blessings also upon the ladies from West Virginia who reached out to you!

  2. Prayers continue for your kitty, Jundi to be safe and well and for her to come back home. Blessings to those who have been so kind to you, Brittany..

  3. Brittany, be sure to know many many prayers continue for your Jundi and for you, bless you, too!

  4. Update: I received a call today that Jundi has been spotted! I honestly believe your prayers made this happen....I hadn't heard anything in almost 3 weeks. I am just so happy to hear that she is alive. My friends in West Virginia were excited to hear the news and are going to get others to help look for her. Thank you to all who prayed!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.