Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Kia the Cat

From Dianne:
Could you please pray for my sweet kitty her name is Kia
they think that she may have cancer they had to do surgery and pull
all her teeth and they found a mass inside of her mouth, we will not know
anything until Thursday or Friday. she is such a loving sweet cat.
she was left at the house beside the one I live in she had lived there all her life.I tried to do my best, and feed her and love her. She was missing for a little while I looked for her but could not find her she came back
but I could not get her to eat and she was very think and sick
I called my friend and she took her to the vet.
they found she is not even 6 pounds very sick and think. and had upper respiratory problem so they gave her medicine and helped her and she was doing better but now they found this. she does not deserve this please pray for. I know that God will give her a miracle.
thank and god bless you


  1. Poor Kia. Prayers for her recovery

  2. For Dianne's Kia, St. Jude, St. Francis, Blessed Seelos, and St. Gertrude, Our Lady, we need your powerful intercession please for Kia who is very ill. Please place your healing hands upon her, allow her to feel your healing touch and comforting presence. Certainly she is very ill, but she has so much love, and Dianne to care for her. Please let the dawn come bright after these longest nights for Kia and Dianne.
    Thinking of you, Dianne, WE BELIEVE!

  3. Prayers for healing and comfort are sent your way, Dianne for your kitty, Kia...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.