Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Prayer Request for Jack the Cat

From Lori:
Our Baby Boy Jack didn't come home tonight and I have looked all over for him. He always comes in at night and I am scared to death. He is Solid Black Cat, weighs 25 lbs. and is my life. He is the sweetest cat ever. I don't know how to pray for him or what to say or how to do it. Please help me pray and help me say the words that GOD will hear to understand me. Please. I need this cat in my life. Thank You,


  1. I am praying for your cat to come home. Cats are so girl has been missing since July. Do not give up hope!

  2. Lori - you've already prayed. God hears your heart...

    Sending more prayers for Jack's safe return.

  3. Dear Lord, please keep Jack the Cat safe and well and guide him home to Lori, thank You....

  4. Lori, yes, you already have prayed, bless you, you found Esther's most special site here, and many of us here will help you.
    First . . . . St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Gertrude, St. Francis, and to Our Lady, please please intercede to safely locate and protect Baby Boy Jack the Cat . . . please watch over and protect him, hold him in your arms, and lead him safely home to Lori and their special home.
    God and Our Lady, the many Saints and angels hear ALL prayers, Lori, prayers of the heart or prayers with words . . . sometimes it takes a bit of time, sometimes the answers are immediate, just stay the course and continue to offer your heart in whatever words come.
    Perhaps Jack is very frightened as he's not used to being out alone so he may be hiding as best he can.
    I'm so glad you found Esther's most special site here as you will have many many prayers being offered for both your Baby Boy Jack and you.
    Lori, Esther has some very special prayers listed on the right side here of the site . . . maybe those will help, too.
    Please stay with us and keep us posted.
    Hugs, thoughts, and many many prayers are with you and Jack.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.