Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Miss Muffet the Dog

From Archanna:
Hi everyone. My dog Miss Muffet is 13 years old and is very sick. I think she is dying. She just got over a bladder infection. I'm rushing her to the vet right now. please pray for her. I am so worried for her.

Thank you all so very much!


  1. Just checked in and saw your post, Archanna . . . . have already started prayers for your Miss Muffett and you.
    Hugs and prayers, please keep us posted, thinking of you!

  2. Healing and Comforting Prayers and thoughts for you, Archanna and Miss Muffet...

  3. Hi everyone, its Archanna.

    Miss Muffet and I got back from the vet and the vet can't tell what is wrong with her. He just said that it was fatal and prescribed pain medication and to make her more comfortable. She stopped eating and is shivering... It is so hard to watch her suffer. please continue to pray for her to have peace. Thank you all so much for your support. God bless you all.

  4. Archanna, I am posting your update so all can read it. We continue to pray.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.