Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Prayer Request for Coco the Dog

Hi friends:
Today my doggie turned 11 years old. I would ask that you say a prayer for her because she is suffering from heart failure. She is on meds. I want her to live as long as she can. She is such a good and loving dog. Mahalo! Esther


  1. Dear Lord in Heaven, Please continue to watch over Coco, bless Coco with a long, long life, She brings such wonderful gifts to her owner...Thank You...

  2. May Our Lady, St. Francis, St. Anthony, and St. Jude keep watch over your precious Coco! May her heart condition be smoothly and successfully managed and may she have many more happy years with you!
    Happy Birthday kisses and hugs to your beloved Coco, God Bless her and you!!

  3. Thank you both very much! I really appreciate your prayers, kind words and compassion! God bless.

  4. Hi everyone. My dog Miss Muffet is 13 years old and is very sick. I think she is dying. She just got over a bladder infection. I'm rushing her to the vet right now. please pray for her. I am so worried for her.

    Thank you all so very much!

  5. Praying right now Archanna! Will be posting a prayer request in a few minutes.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.