Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Prayer Request - Eva the Cat

From Carol:
My son and his girlfriend came to my house for a visit with their beautiful cat Eva, and indoor cat who got outside 09/01/2011. We've seen her a few times in and near the yard, but have been unsuccessful in bringing her back. My son and his girlfriend had to leave yesterday to their home 4 hours away, and are devastated that they had to leave Eva behind. Please pray for Eva to come back to us safe and sound soon. We're all extremely sad and nervous for her.


  1. Father in Heaven, please watch over Eva the Cat, keep her safe and well and guide her home to Carol's house...Thank You.

  2. Dearest St. Anthony, St. Jude, and St. Francis, please please watch over Eva, protect her and guide her safely home to Carol.
    Many prayers being offered.

  3. Continued prayers for Eva's safe return to Carol's home and her family. Thinking of you . . .


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.