Thursday, September 8, 2011

Update on Miss Muffet the Dog

From Archanna:
Miss Muffet and I got back from the vet and the vet can't tell what is wrong with her. He just said that it was fatal and prescribed pain medication and to make her more comfortable. She stopped eating and is shivering... It is so hard to watch her suffer. please continue to pray for her to have peace. Thank you all so much for your support. God bless you all.


  1. For you & yours, dear LORD hear our prayer,

  2. This time I bring good news! I brought Miss Muffet back to the vet and it turned out the substitute vet filling in for our regular had misdiagnosed Muffet- it turns out Muffet just has a stomach infection, which can be fixed with antibiotics. I am sure all of your payers have blessed my best friend, and given her strength in her great sickness.

    I am so thankful that a website like this exists and that people are so kind.

    Thank you all for your help and prayers!!! :)


  3. Archanna, that is good news! I'm sorry about the misdiagnosis and the delay in treatment but I am very happy it is treatable. God bless!

  4. God bless you, Archanna, and Miss Muffet!!
    So very sorry about the incorrect diagnosis . . . . always follow your heart when something does not seem right, and you did! Prayer is so powerful!
    The prayers continue for you and Miss Muffet, may she feel much better soon!


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