Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Jack the Dog

From Denise, Karl, Joseph and Hannah:

Please can you include my little dog jack in your prayers.
He is recovering from major surgery and it's touch and go at the moment.
We all love him very much...


  1. Blessed Holy Father, Our Lady, St. Francis, Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Roch, St. Jude, and St. Anthony - please in your mercy allow this dear little dog, Jack, to feel your strength, your embrace, and healing touch particularly in these critical next hours/days . . . . watch over him, protect him, allow him to feel his very special family near. Bless dear Jack with the strength and rest he needs so much just now. May the holy angels keep watch over him and whisper in his ear of the many prayers being offered for him here at Esther's most special site.
    Thinking of each of you and with you in prayer.

  2. Dear lord, please watch over Jack, heal him and give him strength and a full recovery..Thank You


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.