Thursday, September 29, 2011

CRITICAL : MORE URGENT Prayer Request for Stretch (aka Pretty Girl) the cat

From Jim:
We just heard back from Stretch's Dr. and 48 hours ago they found some e-coli resisting the two antibiotics she was on----he has switched her over to a new compound.

Dr. G wants to give her a chance to improve overnight - Stretch's stay will be one week tomorrow. Friday. He wants us (Stretch's parents) to decide whether to put her to sleep (which he recommends if she does not improve) or bring her home (which he explicitly says he does not recommend---but i beg to differ!).

We trust that everyone (esp. those who have lost their beloved feline/ canine sons and daughters) will understand how difficult this decision will be.

We ask for a Miracle to bring her back whole----but trust that the years she has spent with us through the years have served her well and the joy she has given our family will forever remain in us----Thy Will Be Done!

Please Pray for the complete recovery of our feline daughter Stretch (aka Pretty Girl). She was born March 1991.


  1. For Jim and Family, please be assured of my continuing prayers for your beloved Stretch (Pretty Girl), and for each of you. I too, have always been taught that intercessions are granted in accordance with God's Will and sometimes yes despite our deepest trust there are questions we can never understand and I see that you are at peace with that.
    I have also seen miracles occur in the presence of the most stacked odds and recommendations.
    I am not advocating that you go against any veterinary advice, but I just need to offer this to you from my heart - please follow YOUR heart and listen to Stretch, too. The bond of love here is incredible and profound and love and faith can do amazing things.
    Keep us posted as you can.
    Thinking of you all at this difficult time.

  2. Bless Stretch "Pretty Girl" the Cat with a miraculous total healing, Dear Lord and also comfort, guidance and wisdom for the humans involved in her care, Thank You..

  3. My prayers are with you. I agree with the comment above: only you (and God) can know what's best for your cat!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.