Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Prayer Request for Buddy the Dog

From Wendy:
We live in a tiny neighbourhood in Northern Ontario, Canada. On weekends we all walk our dogs together on a country road. Buddy, one of our black labs, darted into the bush on Saturday, September 23, 2011, and has been missing for five days. Buddy is our protector. He walks ahead of the group for a while then runs behind us is anyone is lagging keeping us together as a group.

I know Buddy is okay but just needs a little help to get home. Please pray that Buddy comes home safely, as we all miss him dearly.

Thank you so much,


  1. For Wendy, please be assured of my prayers for dear Buddy, God Bless him!
    St. Francis, St. Jude, St. Anthony, please watch over Buddy and protect him, keep him safe and from all danger, and please guide him safely home to Wendy and Family.
    Thinking of you . . . .

  2. Dear Lord, please keep Buddy safe and well and guide him home to Wendy, Thank You...

  3. Dear Jesus, please shepherd Buddy safely back to his home.

  4. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Buddy is out there and he is okay but he just needs direction home, You will make all the difference with your support! Bless you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.