Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Updated Prayer Request - Sophie the Dog

From Karen:
We still haven't gotten Sophie returned but I have learned a little bit about exercising patience. I have had to hire an attorney and some progress is being made but not to the point that Sophie is anywhere close to home. I expect that at some point we will have to go to court to make things right.

I am still regularly asking ST. Jude and St. Rita for intercession and it provides me much comfort and the ability to continue pursuing Sophie's safe return.

Please update everyone and ask them for their continued prayers and support.


  1. Dear Lord, wrap your Loving and Comforting arms around Karen, please have her dog Sophie returned to her, Thank You...

  2. For Karen, be assured of my continued prayer vigil on behalf of Sophie and for you. I think of your sweet girl each and every day, and I also have never known St. Jude to fail.
    I have seen that sometimes our path takes us on trails we never expected to be on but that later when all is said and done there is a reason. I cannot begin to imagine the depth of your heartbreak being parted from your beloved Sophie as you have had to experience these last weeks, and I know in life there certainly are questions that seem to have no answers, but we do know the power of prayer, and I do join you with all my heart to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Anthony, and the Holy Spirit for their powerful intercession in having Sophie returned to your arms again.
    Thinking of you . . .

  3. Prayers that you will soon be reunited with Sophie.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.