Monday, September 26, 2011

Recent Update - Kia the Cat

From Dianne:
To everyone that has been praying for our little Kia;
thank you so very much God bless you all.
the blood work was done on Kia this morning and we got the results
back. her liver, Kidneys,thyroid are all fine. and did xrays on her heart
and all is fine. the congestion problem most likely is from her teeth
that we all infected that had to be pulled. she may have that for the rest of her life. She is very very anemic not sure why but maybe just slower to rebound, we will do bloodwork again in a few days and the vet is going to
keep her a few more days. she is gaining weight. and is infected free
right now. thank you for all your prayers thank you lord.
please contune to pray for her.
God bless you all. and lord please put your loving arms around all the
sick pets and make them well and bring all the lost pets home.
please keep all the lost pets safe and warm and feed until they
can come home


  1. Dear Lord, watch over Kia the Cat, continue to heal and strengthen her so she can come home to Dianne. Thank You...
    Bless you Dianne for your thoughts and prayers for all the ill and lost pets...

  2. More prayers for Kia's recovery...

  3. Continued prayers and blessings for Kia and Dianne and Family!
    St. Francis, St. Gertrude, and St. Anthony, please allow Kia to feel your healing touch and comforting embrace.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.