Thursday, September 1, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for a Feral Cat

From Mary:
Hello. During Hurricane Irene, I tried to transfer a feral cat (with only one eye) who I had saved from a cage to a carrier in a basement that was being flooded and he got away from me. I was unable to get him and he has been missing ever since. The basement never got that bad so he definitely didn't drown. There is a space in between this houses and the house next door (twins) and I fear he is stuck in the wall! I have been losing my mind ever since Saturday night when he got away. That night I had to leave and go back to my house and take care of my animals there because of the flood. There is a small space that we can't locate where a baby opossum had gotten into the basement months ago and we are hoping the cat got out of the basement through that hole before the possibility that he got stuck in the wall. We put food and water in both basements and they do not appear to have gone down. I have set humane traps outside which is how I had gotten him previously before the storm. I was trying to do a good thing and it has backfired on me. The water and food outside doesn't appear to be going down much either although there are other wild animals eating from it too. I am ripped apart and a nervous wreck over this and have a hard time believing that this can be helped by a higher being. Please pray for his safe return. Even if he is outside, it will be more difficult to get him to go into the trap outside again if he is out there because once trapped a lot of cats will not go in. I can't call the fire department because these are rentals and the landlord will flip out. I fear he has dehydrated and starved by now. I spoke with my vet who thinks he still could be alive. He/I really need your prayers. Please help! Please pray for his safe return soon and that I can capture/rescue him again. I have a loving home waiting for him. I am kind of sick over this. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. Thank you.

Thank you,


  1. Prayers started immediately for Mary and the feral cat. St. Jude, Patron of Difficult Cases; St. Anthony,Patron of Recovering the Lost; and St. Francis, Patron of Animals, please watch over and protect the feral cat and bring peace of mind and heart to Mary.

  2. Dear Lord, please keep this feral kitty safe and well..may it be found and have the opportunity to live happily in the loving home it so deserve4s. Keep all the hurricane Irene animals safe and well...thank You...


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