Thursday, September 1, 2011

Updated Prayer Request for Sophie the Dog - Urgent

Update from Karen:
I just heard from the vet. The family who took Sophie in will not
return her so I will have to file a police report to see if we can get
her back.

Please keep us in your prayers.

From Karen:
Please add another prayer request for the safe return of our Sophie.

We learned last night that a good Samaritan found Sophie the very
morning she got out of our yard and took her to a local vet who sent her
for adoption with the friend of one of their patients who had just lost
his own doxie.

The vet is zealously trying to reach their client to arrange for
Sophie's safe return but we have had no luck yet today. Please have
your prayer warriors request that Sophie be returned to us safely and
add a prayer of thanks that she has been safely cared for all this time
she has been lost.


  1. St. Jude, Patron of Difficult Cases; St. Anthony; and Our Lady, Karen especially need your urgent intercession for their Sophie to be promptly returned to her home and family. Your intercession is needed urgently, we humbly ask and pray for your assistance.

    Many prayers for Karen and Sophie.

  2. Hi Karen, This is so sad to read that you are unable to get Sophie back. I hope that you don't give up and use all the means you can findto get her back. You will be in my Prayers.

  3. Prayers for the return of Sophie...

  4. Thinking so much of Karen and Sophie, and please know the prayers continue fervently.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.