Friday, September 2, 2011

Good News - Dickens the Cat

From June:
I’m very happy to report – somewhat belatedly – that Dickens has made a remarkable recovery, thanks in great part to all the prayers on his behalf. He’s a whole new kitty and is doing very well on his medications.

I’m also a teensy bit nervous at the moment since we’re going on vacation for 9 days, the first time since “Dickie” was diagnosed. We have excellent in-home petcare so I’m confident he’ll be in good hands and will get his meds as usual. Just maybe need a little prayer that he’ll do just fine and remain a happy, healthy kitty!

Thanks again so much for your prayers!!


  1. Yeah for your precious Dickens, and be sure of continued prayers for his continued good health and excellent care with his pet-sitter in your absence.

  2. Such good news about Dickens! Thoughts and prayers sent your way for Dicken's continued good heath and a wonderful vacation for you, June


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