Monday, September 26, 2011

Updated Prayer Request -Tinkerbelle the Cat

From Stella: Please continue to pray for the safe return of our beloved pet Tinkerbelle. I received a call from someone who spotted a cat fitting hr description but we have still not been able to find her. Pray that God and the angels safely guide her home. I have been praying to St, Anthony and St. Francis every day since she went missing. I have faith that she will come home to us.


  1. Dear Lord, please keep Tinkerbelle the Cat safe and well and guide her home to Stella..Thank You

  2. For Stella, do be assured many prayers continue for your Tinkerbelle, thinking of you both!
    St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Francis, St. Gertrude, and Our Lady, please hear our many prayers - your intercession is needed to guide Tinkerbelle safely home to Stella.
    Perhaps Tinkerbelle is very very afraid out on her own and she might be very wary of humans trying only to help . . . . may the angels whisper in her soft ear and guide her.

  3. St. Jude, St. Anthony, and St. Gertrude, please please assist in locating Stella's Tinkerbelle, watch over her, protect her, and safely guide her home, please help her.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.