Monday, September 26, 2011

Updated Prayer Request - Stretch the Cat

From Jim:
(24-hr UPDATE): URGENT Prayer Request for Stretch (aka Pretty Girl) the cat

Visited Stretch. She's eating on her own and up on her front legs (still not all fours, but hopefully soon!)!!!

The power of Prayer Warriors and everyone's Prayers have been heard. Please keep Stretch in your Prayers, her 20-yo body needs all the prayers in the world (and beyond!)

Thank you and we'll continue to update everyone!


  1. Dear Lord, please continue to work a miracle of healing and strength for Stretch the Cat..Faith, Patience,Hope...

  2. For Jim, be sure to know that prayer vigil continues for Stretch (Pretty Girl) and you and your family.
    Blessed Seelos, St. Gertrude, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Francis, and Our Lady please allow your intercession to gently restore Stretch's strength, allow her to sense each of you near.

  3. >^..^< Stretch's family is eternally grateful to everyone! Thank you!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.