Saturday, September 24, 2011

Updated Prayer Request for Kia the Cat

From Dianne:
We went to bring Kia home but she is still very congested so they will
keep her longer at the vet, Monday they will do a Kidney and liver panel
to see how they are functioning.
please once again Pray for my little Kia we need a miracle
I know the lord will heal her.


  1. keeping you & yours in all our prayers,

  2. Diane, hugs to you and please know many prayers are continuing for your KIA, bless her heart.
    Dearest Kia, please feel St. Gertrude, St. Francis, and Blessed Seelos holding you in their healing embrace . . . . you are so loved, honey, rest and feel the many prayers coming your way.

  3. Dear Lord, wrap your healing and comforting arms around Kia, heal her completely so she can come home to Dianne..Thank You...

  4. Many continued prayers for Kia!!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.