Friday, August 26, 2011

Update on Bogie the Dog

From John: Thank you very much for the prayers. It seems to be having an impact!
We got word that Bogie's blood results were good, and the x-ray
indicates that the tumor is not attached to bone. They went ahead and
took a sample from the tumor and will send that to lab but as for now
Bogie will have that tumor removed in two weeks from now. We are still
hoping that the biopsy will be negative because the doctor is still
baffled and concerned about the firmness and the mass of it, but at
least he has a more positive goal.

Bogie is special in a way because he is like an angel. He has a heart
that is so pure and innocent. He has never growled or intimated any of
our other pets or people. He is always wagging his tail and his eyes
light up when we take out the leash. Bogie is the eldest but still
full of life and energy. I know it isn't Bogie's time yet.

Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers. I'll be sure to send my
love and wishes to all of the other pets and animals that are in need
or lost.


  1. The many prayers continue for John's BOGIE!

  2. Healing thoughts and prayers continue for Bogie...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.