Friday, August 26, 2011

Special Prayer Request for Animals on the East Coast

From our friend Lou Ann:
I wondered if you could possibly post a prayer request for everyone to please be remembering in prayer all the animals in the path of this very dangerous Hurricane Irene which is set to be bearing down on the East coast this weekend.

Had a special request come to me to pray especially for the wild horses who inhabit the many islands on the Eastern seaboard, and so I thought maybe we could do a prayer request for all our beloved four-legged friends, native wild or pets.


  1. Dear Lord, please keep all the animals and pets on the East Coast safe and well..Thank You...

  2. Please help me pray desperately and urgently for my cat Snowey. He is really unwell at the moment. Vets said he has feline lukemea and cancer. I am despearately praying in the precious name of God Almight Jesus Christ that Snowey responds to all the treatment. I pray that the transfusion he is to have today will be really successful. I pray that the red blood cells count will improve abundantly. Snowey is a family member not just a pet. He is my whole world. Lord Jesus I ask You to please heal my Snowey. I thank you it has been done. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

  3. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Snowey.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.