Saturday, August 27, 2011

Prayer Request for Tequila the Dog

From our friend Jean for Michelle:
Please pray for my dog, Tequila, a rottweiler mix, who has had severe hip pain. Pray for her healing and that she does not have cancer. (She is a rescue dog who still trusts!)


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over Tequila,ease her pain and heal her...Thank You...

  2. For Michelle's Tequila, many prayers on the way to Blessed Seelos, St. Francis, St. Anthony for her discomfort to be resolved and the source be only minor.
    Bless Tequila's sweet heart and a kiss to her, too!

  3. I will put you and your dog Tequila in my Prayers.

  4. Sending up prayers for Tequila. Mother Mary, please intercede for Tequila.

  5. Mahalo all for the prayers and words of comfort. I added Dogman and kozz on our list of prayer warriors


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.