Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update on Moshe the Cat

From Marcy:
Thank you for praying for Moshe. Your prayers have made it to Heaven
because we are already seeing improvement in Moshe. He is holding his
head up on his own when I visit him at the vet’s office, he has
started eating and drinking again, and he has begun to look better.
He has had many medical procedures done to him but I have been blessed
with a very, very wonderful and caring vet. He is continuing to
reside at the vet’s office because he is not well enough to come home

Would you please continue to pray for Moshe’s healing and recovery?
In particular, that his immune system is very strong, that he has a
very healthy chest area, and that his breathing becomes normal and
strong again and that all of his other organs are healthy too.

Thank you again and God Bless.

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