Thursday, April 21, 2011

Update on Baby the Cat

From Donna:
Please continue to pray for Baby and his mate Cat as Baby is still in critical care away at MSU and still in an oxygen chamber. Our visit with him today was short but blessed as we are to spend any time with him where we can touch him and clean him up a bit and just encourage him with love.
His bloodwork is better in some values and worse in others and his Doctor is frustrated as he was hoping to see more positive changes in the bloodwork showing that Baby was improving but knowing that treating him is tricky with the mast cell cancer plus pancreatitis takes time(to resolve or not)and seeing Baby's mood lifted is enough for us right now. He is definitely in God's hands and I have faith that however excruciatingly difficult, we will continue to have faith in His ability to heal. Please pray for his comfort and patience and Godspeed in healing and in this holiest of weeks I pray to the Lord to heal my Baby and bring him home to us where he belongs.

God bless you and thank everyone for their continued prayers.
Forgive my writing, I am tired but looking forward to another trip seeing Baby again tomorrow on this holy Good Friday.

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