Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Prayer Request for Baby the Cat and Catalei the Cat

From Donna:
I found your beautiful blog and am asking for prayers for our cat Baby. He has been in critical care in the MSU animal hospital since Thursday April 14 where we rushed him approximately 2 hours away from our home. He was diagnosed with mast cell tumor of the spleen, pancreatitus and pleural infusion. He is also having upper respiratory trouble breathing due to secretions from his nose and mouth (he also has a feeding tube) which his Doctor feels is due to a sinus or larynx (pharynx?)issue. He is our son as we have no children of our own and he is a very sensitive kitty having spent his life (he'll be 14 on May 11) in our constant presence. He has alot of anxiety so I pray that he will somehow find rest and peace while in the hospital.

Please pray for our safety and for that of his mate,Catalei as well. After spending the first two nights in a hotel we are driving back and forth daily in an older car as we needed to come home to tend to his mate Cat who is ironically recovering also from mast cell tumor of the spleen after her surgery in January. The doctors tell us the chances of two unrelated cats in the same household suffering from mast cell tumor is so rare that we would have a greater chance of winning the powerball.

We will continue to pray for all the other animals as well. We have great faith in the healing powers of God from prayer and I pray to Jesus for healing, I pray to Mary to comfort and ask for healing from her Son, I pray for the Angels and communion of Saints like St. Francis and St. Gertrude and St. Clare, St. Jude for their help as well.

God bless you and thank you!

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