Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Prayer Request for Alyssa

She left the following comment:
It is very timely that i came across this blog. The idea of cats having a patron saint crossed my mind, maybe I was in search for something that could ease my heart. You see my dear little kitten Psyche passed away this morning due to a fever. Now I am grieving and left with regret because I wasn't able to do what I should have done right away. I feel terribly sorry for him and myself. May you please pray for his dear soul.Thank you and God bless.
Please keep Alyssa in you prayers as she mourns the loss of her beloved kitten.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my friend,
    I have come to love this site, it's creator, and of course all animals. I pray for all here.
    As a graduate of Biblical Studies, and understanding our love for animals, my desire scripture is accurately presented, let me share some comforting words with you. They are for all here too, and my sweet Sundance, now in heaven.

    Though as humans, we are the "commander in chief" of God's creation, as you study the original text of the Old Testament, the word for soul, "naphesh" is used for both animals and humans.
    Comforting, and though lesser in "rank" by our creators design, Loved, and valued by him, is EVERY life.
    In the New Testament, we are told ALL flesh (emphasis added) will see the salvation of God, and Greek, the original language uses the same word for all flesh, human and animal. be comforted, GOD is ALWAYS on the job!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.