Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Whitey the Cat

From Candy:
Now is a very hard time for my family because our beloved cat Whitey, who has been suffering from kidney disease since 2007, is in bad condition right now. Although he has kidney disease, we have managed to keep him healthy for years, with regular check up and proper diet. Right now, his condition has worsened and my mom force feeds him everyday because he no longer wants to eat on his own. He also undergoes dialysis everyday here at home (the vet taught my mother how to) and takes several medications that make him groggy and weak.

I feel so depressed right now because I am uncertain if this time he will be able to recover. It's also so hard to see my family in pain as they see Whitey's condition right now. Whitey has been our baby for ten years now and we really love him so much, just like how we love all of our cats and all of God's animals. I pray to God and ask Him to heal Whitey if it is His will...and I hope He takes away all his pain and suffering.

I found your blog while surfing for prayers for pets. Your blog is a blessing and comfort to animal lovers like us who share our love and prayers for our beloved pets. I hope you can include Whitey in your prayers. Thank you so much and may God bless you for all the good things you do...

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