Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Prayer Request for Charlie the Dog's Owner

From Bob:
I would like to mention in your Blog that my friend (dog) Charlie died on 12/26/10. I miss him very much and still mourn
his death, please mention him in the "Pets that Died" section of your site.

I miss our nightly walks and his sweet demeanor. He was a handsome guy!

Please keep Bob in your prayers as he mourns the loss of Charlie.


  1. Hello my friend, relax:

    As Job said, though he died and returned to the earth, YET (emphasis added) with my own eyes I will see GOD..

    My friend, Bless your heart, your cat, the humility to value that life in the distorted world we live in.

    I expect you are a Daddy? If your child brought this animal to you and said "Daddy, please fix", would you.

    Of course. So even imperfect our comfort is in our Loving God's nature

  2. Steve, was this comment meant for another pet?


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.