Saturday, January 8, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Rich's Pet Dog

From Rich:
dear Lord,
we recently had our doberman diagnose with a ACL tear . we really do not have the money for surgery.I on the other hand have been spending all my time downstairs with him [no stairs or running] My wife set up a room to sleep down stairs with him and another doberman , his female companion. I have been giving him his meds and taking him out . This has caused a serious problem with the wife and job !! I have been off the past couple of days because of an injury i sustained in a car accident . I pray every day he gets better he is my BEST FRIEND!! PLEASE LORD ABOVE HEAR MY PRAYERS FOR HIM , MY WIFE AND ALL THE SICK ANIMALS


  1. for you & yours, LORD hear our prayer!

  2. Praying for you, your pet and your family for all to get better and for your baby to heal


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.