Monday, January 10, 2011

Updated Prayer Request for Clifford the Dog

From Vicky:
Well, brought Clifford back to the vet Thursday because he now split his nose and was bleeding everywhere.

The biopsy results came back non-specific for Clifford. The pathologist thinks it may be, but are not committing to, SLE... Systemic Lupus. For now he is on a high dosage of Steroids and antibiotics, in addition to vasculitus and thyroid meds. Praying that it is not SLE; does not carry a good prognosis.

So far since he has been home on Friday *fingers crossed* his ears have stopped bleeding with the exception of one incident.

I am calling a specialist in pet dermatology on Monday to see if they can get a diagnosis for Clifford so we can get proper treatment. Please continue to pray for us!

Thank you.
We ask for the intercession of St. Martin de Porres and Bl. Seelos for Clifford's healing, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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