Friday, January 7, 2011

Message from a Deceased Pet's Owner

I received the following email today and I wanted to share it with all of you.

I wanted to thank you for your fine web site. I found it while searching for St Gertrude. I used the prayers on your blog for the Divine Intervention for my 17 year old cat, Echo, who had recently came down with FIP [Feline Infectious Peritonitis]. It is usually fatal and was for my Echo, who I had to have euthanized this morning. However I attribute the strength I needed to make that gut-wrenching decision to St Gertrude. Sometimes the noblest and best thing we can do for our cats are to let them go when it’s their time to be called home.

Thank you, again, on behalf of all the pet owners who use your blog. On the information super-highway it is a much needed rest stop for the soul.

Proud dad of Echo, 1994-1/7/2011

Thank you John! We will keep you in our prayers as you mourn Echo's death.

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