Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Updated Prayer Request for Olivia the Dog

From Mark:
I first emailed you last September asking for prayers for Olivia. Olivia is a five year old Pomeranian that my 11 year old daughter adopted last February. She was rescued from a puppy mill, had spent most of her life in a crate, and despite all that she was exactly what my daughter wanted-a loving little dog that liked to be held, that slept with her, and that loved everyone, yet clearly loved her the most.

On Labor Day weekend Olivia became lethargic and needed an emergency blood transfusion. She was diagnosed with a tumor on her intestine. The tumor was removed, but it was cancerous and had already spread to her liver. Through the will of God, and some very good veterinary care she has survived so far, and has been a happy, playful, a loving little dog to my daughter.

However at her checkup last week, we received news that the cancer has spread further and that the drugs they were using no longer seemed to be effective. This is one of the sweetest kindest little animals I have ever known, and given that her early years were not all that good, she is just wonderful, and she is the love of my daughter’s life.

We could really use all the prayer we can get, both for Olivia and for my daughter Jessica. When I requested help on your site last fall I was contacted by numerous thoughtful caring people with messages of prayer and hope, and we could really use that help again. I don’t know what we are going to do without Olivia in our lives. Any help you and your readers can give is greatly appreciated.


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