Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sad News - Midnight the Cat

From Juan: I had a great feline of 7 years and wanted to make a memorial card in a catholic kind of faith , he left me with his closed a peaceful death.
But i find it very hard to find a prayer that suits my cat midnight i have added my blog so you can read how much he meant to me and maybe you have a better idea for a prayer i could use as he left this world.
I found your site perused it and some of the prayers were for blessings but its harder to find a great prayer for one of gods beautiful creatures and a companion i included a picture of my cat thank you

I found a site that had what appears to be a Catholic prayer for dead pets. I will be adding the prayer I found to the sidebar. I am making one change though:

Eternal Father, we bring you our grief in the loss of [name of pet] and ask for courage to bear it. We bring you our thanks for [name of pet] who lived among us and gave us freely of his/her love. We commit our friend and companion [name of pet] into your loving hands. Give us eyes to see how your love embraces all creatures and every living thing speaks to us of your love. Amen.
Prayer Source

Please say a prayer that Juan be comforted during this sad time of losing his beloved cat.


  1. soft husky woooos, prayers for peace for you & yours,


  2. Please pray for Ted. He was my gorgeous boy and a great friend. I miss him lots xXx

  3. So sorry for your loss. We pray for you during this difficult time.

  4. Prayers for my best friend, Vincent. He was a blue eyed, gray tigerstriped cat that acted more like a human than a cat. He was my gentle giant. I will miss him!

  5. Debbie, the death of a beloved pet sure leaves a big hole in our hearts, doesn't it? Saying a prayer for you.

  6. Dear Esther,

    One year ago I was asking you all to pray for Tiller, who died of cancer. Now her daughter, whose name is Seraph, is very seriously ill. She suffered an attack of paralysis. The vets wanted to put her down. However, I asked them to give her prednisone. Right now, she has been almost fully recovered for a week - but there are no guarantees. Her problems appeared to be neurological. I want to get in touch with a veterinarian who has some knowledge about this kind of problem.

    Anyway, I send you again my most urgent request for prayers. I'm glad I was able to find this website again.



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.