Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Update on Jill the Dog

"Jill" the Dog

From Jackie: U
pdate on Jilly, She is doing much much better! Her brain wasn't injured and she is alert and crying to go home--at least that's what we think. Am sure she is still in pain, they can't block all her pain with the meds without completely knocking her out. They fixed her jaw today and tomorrow they go in & see what can be done to save it. We're praying it can be pinned but if that isn't possible, they will do the FHO. That scares me but am believing it will be alright if that's what it has to be. I will keep the rest of the pets on the page in prayer also for their recovery, and if not possible, for their owners comfort.. Blessings to all. Jesus never fails.

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