Monday, January 24, 2011

Sad News - KD the Cat

KD the Cat

Via first email from Patrick:
I found your page this morning, because I wanted to recall who the patron saint of cats is, so I could ask for an intersection for my old cat KD

She is 17 and has been in poor health for the last year

Friday was the last day I saw her, she went outside and has not been back since

I have a strong feeling that she went off to a hidden place to die

I looked everywhere I could think of yesterday, but came up with nothing

She is such a sweet cat, it just breaks my heart to think that she could be really close
and dying, yet there is nothing I can do to be with her

Last night it hit me really hard and I just asked God to watch over her and thanked Him for the best cat I could ever want

Thank you for your web page...I bet it helps to give peace to many pet overs all over the world

With warm regards,

Second email:
A neighbor found KD by his truck...she had been dead for a while...I asked for St. Francis, St. Anthony and St. Gertrude to help me at least find KD...and that if she did die that she did not suffer for long

I do think they helped me locate her through the neighbor

Thank you for your prayers and for your web page

With warm regards,

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