Monday, January 24, 2011

Prayer Request for Bart the Dog

"Bart" the Dog
From Clodagh:
We are an Irish family living in Spain and we have lost our 3 yr old Beagle, his name is Bart.

He is missing since Tuesday Jan 18th 2011

We are all sooooo upset, my children are crying themselves to sleep every night.
I am crying all day. It´s a great way to lose weight however I´d rather be 2 Ton Tessie and have him back.

I don´t know how we are going to get through this. I haven´t stopped praying and haven't given up by a long shot.

If you could say a prayer for this gorgeous and adored animal I would much appreciate it.

I have attached 2 photos of him.

I will let you know how we get on.

Kind regards

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