Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prayer Request for Snowball the Bird

From Jennifer:
Snowball a white and gray cockatiel that got out on 9/4/2010 Me and my stepdaughter and many neighbors and friends have been out looking for her. We still have not found her. I pray that she finds her way home or that we can find her. Please add us in your prayers for our beloved Snowball who is probably scared, confused and cold.


  1. It has now been 4 days since Snowball my cockatiel got out. I have cried many many times. It has been getting cold which is not good for cockatiels and is going to rain tonight. Please keep my cockatiel in your prayers. I pray that even if she doesnt find her way home that she finds shelter in someone else's home. I hate to think of her suffering out there all alone. We miss her deeply.

  2. Please put your trust in God, that He will protect Snowball.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.