Monday, September 6, 2010

Prayer Request for Olivia the Dog

From Mark: My 11 year old daughter has always loved animals and wanted a dog of her own (even though we had a great dog already). She searched and in February found a beautiful black and white Pomeranian that was rescued from a puppy mill. Olivia was shy but the minute she went into Jessica's arms the love was there. It was love at first sight. A few days at home and Olivia got very comfortable-she would bark at night at anyone walking past Jessica's room! All she wanted was to be held, petted, and loved.

Friday night Olivia became lethargic and would not eat. Saturday morning she was worse and our vet was closed. We immediately took her to a local 24 hour animal clinic. Her red boold cells were only about 8% (normal we were told is 35-55%). We then had to rush her to an emergency animal hospital on the other side of town for a transfusion-we just made it. Doctors said we were close to losing her. Anyhow they have (fortunatley) got her stable, but they did find a tumor on her small intestine. In the ultra sound her liver also looks a bit irregular.

Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, but we believe that the talented doctors we have found combined with the power of prayer may save this sweet little dog for our daughter. We would appreciate all the prayers we can get. Thank You!

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