Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prayer Request for Zieke the Dog

From Joanna:
Please pray for my dog Zieke. He is more than a dog and I know people don’t understand that. But he was given to me by the love of my life before he deployed to Afghanistan. He bought him for me to keep me company while he was away. I clinged to this dog while my love was away and we formed a friendship unmatched by any other. Noticing Zieke’s keen intellect in training I started teaching him service dog tasks like helping me up if I fell, alerting people if I needed help, and walking next to me if I lost my balance (I am a disabled vet w/ multiple sclerosis). Zieke showed his true courage for me when I opened my door of my condo one day and there was a vicious dog growling, ready to attack. Only 6 months old Zieke jumped in front of me and let out the tiniest bark. It didn’t scare the dog, but it confused him, and that was just enough for me to yank zieke inside and shut the door. Then zieke did something amazing. I had stupidly disconnected the fire alarm (it went off every time I cooked fajitas) and I was baking a pie. I must have had a seizure, because I put the pie in the oven around 5 or 6 p.m. and I woke up around 1 in the morning. How I woke up was Zieke licking my face and barking. He was pawing gently at me and trying to pull my shirt as if trying to drag me. There was smoke, thankfully no fire. I quickly gained consciousness and was not harmed. Who knows if I would have ever woke up without Zieke.

You don’t understand, Zieke is my angel, he is the reason that I think I can survive with MS. He makes my life so happy. And I found a tumor on his back and am waiting for the AM to take him to the clinic. PLEASE pray that I am 100% wrong and it is not a tumor or if it is that it is benign. Please let zieke be in perfect health and let him live a VERY long life. I really need him in my life.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I will say a prayer for Zieke. Please add my Olivia to your prayer list (see the listing below yours). Thank You and God Bless you!


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